
Siempre hay esperanza: encontró a su perro que estuvo 19 días perdido en la montaña tras un terrible accidente que le costó la vida a su madre

“Ella lo cuidó”, aseguró la joven.

La vida cambió de un minuto a otro para Samantha Orr el pasado 7 de agosto. Ese día la joven de 21 años manejaba un jeep en una zona montañosa en la ciudad de Pueblo en Colorado y sufrió un terrible accidente.


Samantha iba en el vehículo junto a su madre Jennifer y su mascota Bentley, cuando cayeron casi 200 metros por un barranco.


El terrible accidente le costó la vida a su mamá y ella sufrió graves heridas, por lo que incluso tuvo que ser trasladada en helicóptero hasta el hospital más cercano, indica New York Post.

Su mascota salió «volando» del vehículo y no pudo ser encontrado por el personal de los servicios de emergencia.

Tras casi 3 semanas recuperándose de las lesiones físicas, Samantha salió del hospital, comenzó a distribuir folletos con la imagen de Bentley y creó una página en Facebook para tratar de encontrarlo.

19 días después, y cerca de las 4.45 de la mañana, la joven llegó con un grupo de amigos hasta la montaña y tras horas de búsqueda lograron dar con el perro.

BENTLEY HAS BEEN RESCUED! This guy has been what can only be compared to a mountain goat for the past 19 days. After the fatal accident where I lost my mom, Bentley was last seen running down hill from the accident. For the past 3 days he has been spotted far far above the accident site, laying amongst the rocks along the ridge of the mountain. Peering down at the Jeep wreckage, patiently waiting for his family to return. This morning, I left Pueblo, CO at 4:45am and drove the accident site in Buena Vista, CO. Along with a team, we spent hours hiking to the top of said mountain. I have never, and I mean never, done such dangerous and rewarding activity in my entire life. We were able to spot Bentley early in the day, a few hours in, I came within 30-40 feet of him. He wouldn’t come to me, but seemed interested. Eventually his fear got the best of him and he made his way to the ridge (top). I slowly but surely followed him, upon reaching the summit, I could see him watching me. I got close to him, laid down, unpacked some items to eat and a new toy I’d purchased from him. He never moved an inch for over 15 minutes. Eventually I decided to give him some space, back off for a few minutes, and that got his attention. When I came back, him and I slowly altered walking few steps towards each other until finally I was able to convince him to come into my arms. And from then it was nothing but tears and celebration! Bentley is okay, he’s a little malnourished and dehydrated. But otherwise no noticeable injuries. Thank you to everyone who played a role in bringing this sweet boy home. I know the past 19 days, God and my beautiful momma have been keeping an eye on him. GOD IS SO GOOD! ❤️

Posted by Bring Bentley Home on Saturday, August 25, 2018

Al principio, Bentley se mostraba reacio e incluso no quería acercarse a Samantha, pero la joven fue capaz de convencerlo y llegó a sus brazos. “¡Y a partir de entonces, no fue nada más que lágrimas y celebración!”, escribió en la red social.

El perro estaba un poco desnutrido y deshidratado, pero sin lesiones, por eso Samantha asegura que Dios y su “hermosa mamá” lo estuvieron cuidando.

My heart is BURSTING. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who shared, liked, handed out flyers, spread the word, or sent kind words, or any of the millions of ways people have shown their kindness since the accident. The world has so many amazing people in it, I am SO unbelievably grateful. ❤️

Posted by Bring Bentley Home on Saturday, August 25, 2018


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